Is the Government becoming too polarized?

Trenay Newsome, Staff Writer

Ever since the idea of the United States having a divided parties there have been issues that couldn’t be agreed upon or compromised, unlike the Great Compromise in 1787. These issues are referred to as Polar issues. No grey areas.

The idea of democratic and Republican beliefs has led the government into an even more divided system. Today, more than ever people vote along the lines of their party, even if they believe it is wrong to do so.

Some polarized issues include same sex marriage and the death penalty. One is either for or against same sex marriage or the death penalty, everything is black and white.

The death penalty, one is either in favor of it or not. This is a sensitive subject (although everything seems to be a sensitive subject nowadays). Someone could comment on the weather outside and someone else would try to argue make an argument out of it.

“I’m right because….,” “No I’m right, what are you talking about. The weather man said it was 55 degrees outside,” “But it feels like 45 degrees, the weatherman doesn’t know what he is talking about,” this is the structure of daily conversation that was once called “chit-chat.”

What has the divided government done to basic chit-chat on the street? It has turned everything into a debate or argument.

True, the death penalty is no joke, but it’s something that is or isn’t. Debating back and forth is solving nothing. Move to that state that allows death penalty isn’t of dragging it out and get it over with. Let’s agree and move on. If they didn’t want to die then they wouldn’t have done the crime.

Same sex marriage is another sensitive issue. But this is something that contradicts beliefs of founding fathers. What do they think of us now? Who are you to say that two men can’t marry? Or two women can’t marry? Who makes the rules around here because this seems super unfair for those who are all created equal? The U.S declaration states “All men were created equal” so why can we tell him who he can and can’t dedicate HIS life too?

Neither of these issues has set requirements by the government on a national level. Most polarized issues are handled by the state because these issues spark emotions of the people. The solutions to these issues need to be handled on a local level because the local level understands the wants of the people compared to the government on a national level.

The division of the government has put Americans at odds, creating further problems for the country. Since no one can come to agreement on issues many things are not getting done and people are reaching their breaking point with their faith in the government. Someone needs to compromise soon or the polarization can lead to end of the divided parties and crumble the government until it no longer exist.