Should movies like 50 Shades be released to the public?

Maddie Hayko, Staff Writer

People have been looking forward to the novel, 50 Shades of Grey to be turned into a movie. It was finally released on Valentine’s Day and fans from everywhere were excited to see it. But the movie is going to be a lot more censored since society wouldn’t appreciate excessive nudity. But then the question would be why is this movie even being released to the public if it is so censored and will not give the full effect of the book to the big screen? Well part of the reason this movie was probably released was because of the fans because they wanted a visual representation of the book, but fans could probably think up better images in their minds, instead of society giving them something that doesn’t come close to the book.

This movie could have been very much like a detailed porno if the nudity was allowed and that might have been a little too much for the public. These types of movies with several sex scenes shouldn’t be released to the public through movie theaters just because maybe not everyone wants to see that type of advertising out there. This movie should have been made to give audiences what they were expecting not some extremely censored romance. So they should have included all the full on nudity and just maybe advertise it online not on TV. This movie could also just be shown online so people can still see it but without disturbing the rest of the public with excessive advertising. Children are also going to see this advertisement and we don’t want them growing up remembering how disturbing public advertising can be.

If movie theaters really want to show this film then they can take that risk but it would be better if maybe there was a live online streaming of it or maybe if it was on Netflix or Hulu to start with. When it comes to the content of the movie fans are very judgmental and excited but after watching this movie some people who were excited to see it were even disturbed by the erotic sex scenes and a little scared. Which makes people question if this should have bene made into a movie at all or maybe it should have just been left to people’s imagination.

Another reason why 50 Shades shouldn’t be shown in theaters is because sometimes underage people can sneak into the movie, it happens all the time. Maybe after a 14 year-old is done watching a PG movie they think it would be cool if they snuck into an R rated movie and then they might be very scared. Movie theater attendants don’t make sure the right aged people are seeing the right movies for them when it comes to age which can be a bad thing, they are also losing money to this as well, so it not only harms them but it harms the kids who are watching movies they shouldn’t be. The 50 Shades of Grey movie was pretty much for the fans of the series but those fans should watch the movie in a more inclusive environment instead of in public where several things could go wrong.