I fixed immigration

Malcolm Durfee O'Brien, Managing Editor

Donald Trump’s implementation of a “zero tolerance” policy for handling undocumented immigrants has drawn a firestorm of controversy, as over the summer Americans sat in horror at the images of children being forcibly separated from their parents and put in holding cells that resemble the cages of animals. The controversy spread as he proposed ending due process for these undocumented immigrants and as Attorney General Sessions revoked the ability of those suffering domestic violence to seek asylum in the United States.  

These policies show a gross ignorance of human dignity and a disrespect for those suffering violence and oppression on the part of the Trump administration, as well as an ignorance for basic foreign policy. Of course, there is a need for border control, while immigrants are a vital and important part of the economy, doing the manual jobs that most Americans do not want to, too many immigrants will cause the currently imbecilic argument of “they’re taking our jobs” to become a legitimate one, as it would actually become difficult for the poorest Americans to find jobs in the fields which they currently dominate.  

We must find a balance between Trump’s inhumane “zero tolerance” and the absurdity of “open borders” so that the influence China is beginning to exert on these countries will be lessened and to return America’s standing as a nation of immigrants and protector of liberty. This is my solution to this problem. It’s not perfect, but nothing involving immigration ever is. 

To start, certain sections of the immigration code must be loosened. Undocumented immigrants that have been in the United States for at least five years must have a path to amnesty. This will allow immigrants who have established roots in this country to gain legal recognition and contribute more to the economy than they already were, it would also act as a DACA fix. It will also ensure that the families that these immigrants may have built in the US will stay united, thus avoiding the horror that was the child separation policy.  

The five year mark will also ensure that only those with strong ties to the United States will receive amnesty and will avoid an enormous influx of immigrants arriving before this became policy, thus avoiding a potential humanitarian crisis. In addition, the ten year waiting period to seek legal entry into the United States placed on immigrants who initially arrived illegally must be cut significantly, at most to one year. This will encourage those immigrants who wish to return to the United States legally to return and will allow the United States to humanely remove those who do not wish to stay in the country. 

The United States must also loosen asylum requirements. Every single border town should have officials with the ability to give amnesty. This will discourage asylum seekers from taking illegal and drastic steps, which would put them in further peril, to enter the United States.  

After all this, the United States must take further steps to deter illegal entries into the country. To do this, the causes of people illegally crossing the border must be addressed. Drug Violence in Mexico, Central America and South America that drives citizens north to seek a better life must be counteracted. The United States should work with the affected nations to aid and arm their law enforcement to effectively fight violent criminal organizations, or in areas where that has proven ineffective, use diplomacy to find a solution.  

A lack of economic opportunity in these countries also drives their citizens to the United States, and the solution to this is to encourage businesses in the United States to invest in these countries while also making sure that any investment does not come at a cost to workers within the United States. The government should also help any workers who are negatively affected by such a policy by bringing back the Works Progress Administration and ensuring that anyone who wants a job can get one.  

The United States should also encourage these immigrants to attend colleges in their states, offering in-state tuition in exchange for a promise to return to their home country afterward. By educating immigrants and then returning them to their home countries, American ideals will be spread as they take positions of power. By having American educated citizens, the nations will become friendlier to the United States and be more receptive to our country’s policies. In addition to helping the struggling citizens of these countries, these policies would also serve American foreign interests. By helping these nations, the influence that China has been exerting upon them would be combatted and would allow “Pax Americana,” the ideal that American superiority leads to prosperity to grow in the western hemisphere, to be re-established and strengthened.