Media is the reason for receant rise in mass shootings

Alexis Radke-Chsim, Staff Writter

Mass shootings, worldwide, are getting more not only increasing in number, but getting more deadly and dangerous. There are many reasons for this, but the number one reason is the media coverage and the lack of belief that mass shootings can’t be stopped.

To understand the cause if these shootings, profilers research a person until they understand how and why they did it. Then they compare different criminals to take part in mass shootings, to see how they are mentally alike so they can use that information to catch criminals in the future. This doesn’t mean that all mass shooters are alike, they just have common traits or pasts that lead them to cause a mass shooting.

Most people who are the cause of a mass shooting experience some form of trauma or violence at a young age. What causes them to decide to start a mass shooting is a crisis in the previous months before the shooting. Mass killers are mentally hurt in some way and they want others to feel that pain. When the media covers a mass shooting, they blow it up, getting the information to anyone and everyone. The killer knows this is going to happen, so he also knows a large amount of people are going to feel the pain he wants them to.

Media campaigns such as #nonotoriety are starve these perpetrators of publicity. They want media platforms and news to focus on the victims and the heroes of the attacks and not the killers. They encourage citizens to contact their local news stations, radio stations, or cable networks and challenge their news. You can direct these media sources to and urge them to take the no notoriety pledge.

Social media companies need to be held more accountable for allowing shooters a lot of publicity. They need to tell the story and inform others, and then be done with it. We need to convince the media to shift their focuses toward the people losing their lives and risking theirs to save others, then the people who are taking those lives.

Some people believe that there is no solution or prevention to mass shootings. Now there might never be a way to completely stop mass shootings but there are ways to prevent as many as possible.