Knowing the air signs

Every sign in the zodiac is categorized into the four elemental groups: water, fire, earth and air. As the air signs, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra each have similar qualities that interconnect them. It is best to understand these three signs individually to get the full idea of what it means to be, or know, an air sign.
It is currently Aquarius season, which lasts from around Jan. 19 to Feb. 18. Aquariuses are known eccentrics, which makes sense when looking at the planet that rules this sign. Uranus represents originality and freedom which affects Aquarius in their deep thinking and overall exceptional qualities. Aquariuses are out of the box people who are not intimidated by being different in any aspect of their life. Because of the name Aquarius and their symbol being waves, they are commonly assumed to be water signs. Judging by the personality traits of an Aquarius though, it is clear that alongside Gemini and Libra is where they belong. All the air signs value thoughts, ideas, and anything cerebral, making Aquarius a perfect fit.
Next is Gemini, the sign representing those born between May 20, and June 20. Geminis, like the other air signs, value knowledge because of their heightened curiosity. Being ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury, contributes to their extroversion and need to be social. The concept of duality is emphasized for this sign as the word Gemini means “twin” in Latin. Additionally, the constellation Gemini depicts two stick figures holding hands, which are known as the Gemini twins. Geminis are rarely satisfied because of their endless passions and ambitions they pursue. This restless sign’s qualities parallel that of Aquarius and Libra, showing their rightful place as an air sign.
Libras, born Sept. 23 to Oct. 22, complete the air signs. Libras strive for balance in every aspect of their life, as they are represented by the symbol of the scale. Because of this natural tendency to want balance and see the benefits in both sides of every situation, it is difficult for Libras to make decisions or know exactly how they feel about anything. Like the other air signs, Libras value intelligence and sometimes find themselves overanalyzing. As with every elemental group, the compatibility for the zodiac signs matches up with the other signs in their group. These signs will have friendships and relationships with each other that seem to come together more effortlessly because of the deep level of understanding they have as fire, water, earth, or air signs. So, Libra being most compatible with Aquarius and Gemini is another factor of their connection to the air signs.
While Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra are represented by water, twins, and the scale respectively, collectively they are all epitomized by air. Recognizing their similar thinking patterns and personality traits is the best way to understand them. Whether you are an air sign, or know one, understanding each of them and how they are related is helpful.